1. spurious “research institutes” FAKE NEWS
TRUTH: RECEPTIO was founded in 2016 by various professors in the form of an "Associazione", i.e. an association under Swiss law with the name "Società Filologica Internazionale", with its headquarters in Lugano. After RECEPTIO was founded as an association in 2016, it was decided in 2017 to publish an academic Journal and to establish a publishing house.
The members of RECEPTIO from various countries have chosen to set up a publishing house in the UK, so they decided to do this online to avoid having to publish the journal through the association.
On 6 September 2017, TCLA ACADEMIC STUDIES LTD (hereinafter "TCLA Ltd.") was founded, with the first issue of the journal of "Theory and Criticism of Literature and Arts" (hereinafter "TCLA") being published in February 2017. On 29 January 2018, in order to avoid confusion with UCLA, the university from which one of the journal's founders hails, the name of the publishing house was changed to "THECLA ACADEMIC PRESS LTD" (hereinafter "THECLA Ltd"). On 11 February 2020, THECLA Ltd. turned digital and it was dissolved, and, in order to have a publishing house easily associated with the research centre, on 23 July 2020, RECEPTIO ACADEMIC PRESS LTD .
The first composition of the TCLA journal's scientific committee can be found at this archived website link https://web.archive.org/web/20200806133538/http://www.receptioacademic.press/
Renowned scholars from various universities around the world have participated in each issue.
After the RECEPTIO association was founded, the members wanted to have a physical place, a centre from which to plan and carry out the various activities. In this context, they turned to lawyer Paolo Bernasconi http://www.pblaw.ch/Prof-dr-hc-Paolo-Bernasconi.html (see his letter to Credit Suisse), who recommended to set up a foundation instead of an association. Based on this, the foundation with the name "Fondazione Internazionale RECEPTIO" (hereinafter referred to as the "Foundation") https://www.fundraiso.ch/it/organisations/fondazione-internazionale-receptio/timeline.
After the foundation was established, a villa in Lugano was rented on 2 July 2019 https://www.receptio.eu/gallery and summary of cultural activities: https://www.receptio.eu/19-22. It is worth mentioning that after the villa was sold to a new owner, the latter tried to terminate the lease prematurely, although the Foundation had always paid the rent, despite the closure of the centre due to the Corona pandemic. Even the mayor of Lugano, Marco Borradori, tried to help for the continuation of the lease.
The images reproduced here were obtained through press accreditation from the page https://www.receptio.eu/receptiogate and clearly demonstrate how any serious and impartial journalistic investigation can be conducted by listening to both sides. This means reading Kidd's posts and tweets, and also considering the calm responses of the Receptio research center and its executive committee.