According to P. Kidd Prof. C. Rossi is not an art historian: HOAX


According to Peter Kidd [Source], Prof. Carla Rossi is not an art historian:

Kidd wrote: Rossi may have identified the "the manuscript's addressee" correctly: I do not know, because I have not checked the evidence. I can confidently say, however, that she has not identified the "atelier where the codex was produced": she is not an art historian, and the politest way I can describe her attempt at stylistic analysis is "naive".

This is yet another falsehood written by the art dealer consultant, in an attempt to discredit the scholar's work. Contrary to Mr. Kidd's claims, not only is she an art historian with various publications in this field, but she is currently teaching History of the Art of illumination at the University of Salento. 

We have obtained a copy of the Professor's University degree certificate (we are obscuring her date of birth and the grades, even though the former is known and the latter are the highest achievable). As can be seen, the professor graduated with the highest honors in Art History (Geschichte der Kunst des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit) and presented a thesis (which is quite famous) on an Italian Renaissance painter who was also a poet: Agnolo di Cosimo, known as Bronzino (I Salterelli dell'Abbrucia...The book was published by one of the major, if not the most prominent, Italian academic publishers, Salerno Editrice

CONCLUSION: Mr. Kidd is so arrogant that, in addition to spreading defamation, he allows himself to judge Rossi's work as if he were the holder of some revealed truth. From a psychological perspective, this is a classic attitude of cyber-bullies, who make presumptuous statements solely to humiliate their chosen victim. Evidently, Kidd is not familiar with Rossi's academic output or her university qualifications.

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