
Showing posts from December, 2023

Who is Mr. Peter Kidd?

Public Source:   Peter Kidd is the one dressed in white in the center of the picture Here’s what we have discovered about Peter Kidd.  1. On the website (Source: /), which Kidd manages, he describes himself as follows: “ Based in Oxford, Peter Kidd has since 2006 been a freelance researcher, working primarily on medieval manuscripts, with a particular specialisation in cataloguing and provenance research of liturgical and illuminated books, leaves, and cuttings ”.  Consequently, since 2006, Peter Kidd has not been affiliated with any public or private institution, functioning instead as a freelance consultant for dealers and collectors . His prior experience spans just five years as a manuscript cataloguer — a role he held at the British Library and the Bodleian Library — a position that requires neither exceptional aptitude nor specific acad

The Book of Hours of Louis de Roucy and the accusation of plagiarism by Peter Kidd. Fact-checking and conclusion that it is a hoax.

It is quite startling—and consequently, rather suspect—that so many took Kidd’s allegation of plagiarism at face value. They believed he had evidence that the scholar in question copied five lines from his blog into her nearly 300-page book, a digital reconstitution of a Book of Hours (the so-called De Roucy Hours) dismembered for profit in 2009. Equally astonishing is that few seemed to have given fair hearing to the scholar’s lectures, in which she lucidly demonstrated how Peter Kidd profited from the manuscript’s disassembly.  One was presented at the University of Barcelona —a reputable institution that certainly stands beyond the pale of Kidd’s charges of misconduct .  She also authored a detailed article in Italian, published by the journal Studj Romanzi,  associated with La Sapienza University of Rome. Both of these Universities are above reproach concerning aca